Vertex Warehouse
3D models sharing site from a group that hated paywall
#What is This?
Vertex Warehouse
is a website I made for 3D models modding community especially the one that focused on cars.The reason I make this website is to allow everyone to download things without anything locked behind paywall system. (If you know who I'm talking about)
##Public Page
On public page, you can search, browse, and download 3D models that provided by our contributors.
There also a features to contact us, and you will get email notification to the chatroom when the admin replying.
There also a features to contact us, and you will get email notification to the chatroom when the admin replying.
##Admin / Contributor Dashboard
As contributor, you can:
- Create / Update / Delete new source page
- Create / Update / Delete models to be downloaded
- Pin models that deemed as important
Meanwhile as admin, you can:
- Do the same thing as contributor
- Manage messages / conversations from user
- Invite / Ban contributors
- Update website settings, such as:
- Maintenance mode
- Site title
- Site description
- Opengraph Image
- Partner list at the bottom of the page
##Public Page Preview



##Admin Page Preview




This site are complying to DMCA notice and takedown requests.
If you think your content are uploaded on the site, kindly contact via Vertex Warehouse Contact Page using your work address.
If you think your content are uploaded on the site, kindly contact via Vertex Warehouse Contact Page using your work address.
More about Vertex Warehouse DMCA policy
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